Patricia Tòth


Patricia Tòth

Patricia Tóth was born in Hungary where she grew up in her family home in the countryside. She received an engineering degree in 2004 at the University of Corvinus in Budapest in Food Science specializing in wine, beer and spirits.

Having a particular love for wines she began to work as a winemaker: in her working experience there are various known wine cellars such as Le Vigne di Zamò Friuli, Bava in Piemonte and Vylyan in Hungary.

Since 2005 she has collaborated with Planeta, first part time during the harvests to full time being since 2008, first responsible for Planetas Buonivini and Dorilli cellars, after coordinating the startup of the new estates on Mount Etna and Capo Milazzo. Responsible of the SOStain ( regional sustainable agriculture) program, member of the Business Intelligence Team in the company, covering the tecnical support in PR activities.

In between time Patricia produces white grapes such as Furmint and Rieslings near Lake Balaton in an own vineyard of 4 hectars (8.8 acres).

Vintages Produced

2021 Frappato Bottle



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